In real life, we see objects block other objects. This kind of visual blocking offers our eyes and brain clues about where things are in space. But what if you could somehow fool the eye – and with it the brain – into believing that there is something else there?

The California-based startup Mojo Vision may soon be doing just that!
The company has announced that it has successfully installed 14K pixels-per-inch micro-displays, wireless radios, image sensors, and motion sensors into augmented reality contact lenses.
And, despite all the technology crammed into the device, the lenses fit comfortably on the eye!
Already, the amazing “Mojo Lens” has inspired a slew of fantasies, some sensibly well-intentioned – others wholly in the realm of cyberpunk gamer Nirvana!

Steve Sinclair, senior vice president of marketing at Mojo Vision, says the lenses can help people with low vision.
“But it can also give those of us that don’t have those conditions, in a way, superpowers to be able to see things that you otherwise wouldn’t be able to see,” he adds.
Check out the video below for more on the development of this incredible new technology!