Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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In Adversity Lies Advantage!

Opportunity exists in every crisis

Boll weevils and pandemics…

There was a time when Alabama was a prolific cotton producing state. Then the boll weevil became so endemic that cotton could no longer be grown in the region.

Some farmers went broke trying to beat the weevil. Others sought alternative crops that suited the area but that weren’t attacked by the pest.

It turned out that the humble peanut was ideally suited to the climate and soils of the area. Alabama went on to become the world’s No 1 peanut producer.

In adversity lies advantage. You just need to look.

Turning $1,000 into $16,491 in one year

Tesla stocks may be stealing the limelight but anyone who invested in Novavax in March, 2020 has seen spectacular growth in their investment. Sanofi? Not so much since the S&P 500 is up over 44% during teh same period vs Sanofi’s 9.6%.

The boll weevil created the opportunity for Alabama to become the world’s No 1 peanut producer!

There are hundreds of businesses working on vaccines. Some vaccines have made it through the regulatory process while others are still in the pipeline. This pandemic won’t be the last. In fact, the variants of this virus may mean that it stays with us forever.

Vaccines are and will continue to be in demand. It’s only a matter of picking the right one to invest in. While some Alabama farmers chose peanuts, others chose beets.

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