Saturday, July 27, 2024

Top 5 This Week

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She’s Two-faced and You’ll Love Her!

Being two-faced – or two-toned, in this case – has never been this cute.

Meet Narnia, the blue-black chimera cat with more than 24,000 Instagram followers – probably more than yours and mine combined.

She’s popular, alright. You want proof?

A photo posted less than 24 hours ago already hit more than five thousand likes. One video of her has more than eighteen thousand views. And the numbers are climbing.

For a cat, the numbers are pretty good.

As if being adorably two-toned is not enough, Narnia comes from France, too. Imagine how cute that would be if we can actually hear her cat-talk in French.

Isn’t she a beauty?

Let me hear you say, “Oui”.

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